Saturday 12 May 2012

Our first blankets!!

Periwinkle ... Viridian ... Nacarat ... Vermilion ...  I love them all!

Welcome to my blanketed blog ... we really really have become addicted to colour and knitting and texture... like I always imagined...  come and see ...

One of our very first blankets knitted in late 2010.  Many knitters contributed to this one.

We just started knitting squares in what ever coloured acrylic we had to hand.   The fun part is laying out the knitted squares and seeing the potential of the final blanket!

Obviously our knitters like blues and greens! We have knitted quite a few cool watery coloured blankets now.

Another purple, blue and marine stripey blanket - its a perennial knitting favourite 
Sensational blankets - they look fabulous folded and stacked like this!!

Beautiful blankets all stacked after one of our morning tea exhibitions - all ready to to go Wrap with Love - a charity that we knit for that distributes blankets to the needy here in Australia and overseas.

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