Friday 29 June 2012

the 9 lives of billy blue

 The flying carpet cat...
 The luxe cat
 The playboy cat...
 The high energy pole dancing cat...
 The come-to-bed eyes nap cat...
 The stretched out sun worshiping cat...
 The alert but relaxed cat...
The microwave(d) cat...
And lastly, the curled up fast asleep cat ...

Saturday 23 June 2012

Quilt show

Here are some of my favourite quilts ... from the show

What a range of colours and textures - I'm liking the abstract designs and use of threads, embroidery to add extra dimensions ...
Take a look.  

Invigorated by the show and outpouring of creativity, energy and determination
All the colours, textures and designs inspire me!

I have started on my next, more contemporary creation using hand dyed very colourful fabrics laid out in diamonds to feature the fabrics - stay tuned for this one.